Hesper, Underway
400 pounds- what is it that weighs that much onboard Hesper? Is it the Douglas Fir spars? The dingy?
It’s actually her rudder, which is attached to a 4 foot long oak tiller. On traditional American Schooners and larger craft, tillers have gone away and have been mostly replaced by worm gear steering and your traditional ships wheel. There are several commercial sailing vessels still using a tiller- The Sloop Clearwater is one great example (can you imagine navigating that vessel in the Hudson!). When we first acquired Hesper, I had over 10 years experience steering, sailing and running traditional gaff riggers, but nothing that big and with a tiller. I was apprehensive for sure about her sailing qualities (I never even got to sail her before we started our stern post project).
I’ll never forget our first sail. Everyone frustrated by a simply easy fuel problem that left us on the docks for 3 days, stranded with no help. I had to spend all 3 days down below trying every trick in the book to get her Perkin 65m Sabre engine going, while crew and friends rigged her up. Such a bummer. I spent all winter perfecting her rig, and I didn’t even get to set it. Regardless, when we set off from Portland Yacht Service, it was such an incredible feeling. Our first sail was great. A 10 knot breeze with just a staysail and full main as I figured out her quirks.
The first being her tiller, but I have to say it took about 10 minutes for it to become an extension of my body.
I’d like to invite everyone who comes aboard to take a turn at the tiller. There is absolutely nothing like being at the helm of a 25 ton gaff rigged cutter while under full sail.