3 Packing tips for a sailing vacation

Pack light they said! What does that even mean? Taking a windjammer vacation aboard a sailing vessel in Maine is a trip of the lifetime. You are sailing aboard a traditional wooden vessel, exploring the coast the same way they did hundreds of years ago. So what do I pack for something like that? What to wear? All great questions.

Plenty of room on board for activities. Hard suitcases? not so much.

  1. Pack for camping

No, we aren’t really camping. Hesper has comfortable, cozy bunks on board for everyone. But the idea and process is much the same. Light dufflebags that can be stowed easily and out of your way during your vacation. Bring clothing for all elements. It can be brisk at night sometimes, and its nice to have long pants for those evening fires surrounded by friends and wine. Sandals are great for exploring tide pools and getting out of the dinghy. Hat and sun protection is a must. Don’t overpack! Where we go, you aren’t dressing to impress anyone, except for maybe that random seal you might see perched up on the rocks. Keep it simple, and utilitarian.

2. Don’t forget to Relax

This is a vacation. There is a lot of downtime onboard. Bring your favorite book that you’ve been meaning to read. Grab a bean bag chair or layout on the beach and just dive in. If you’re an audiophile, we have chargers on board to charge your device so you can listen while laying out. We have board games and a great ships library. We recommend that you dive into it. You can go deeper than that favorite book though- painters often like to bring their aisles and supplies- if that’s your thing, let us know and we will build it into the itinerary. Knitters love an afternoon knit after tea. Sea kayaks are available for those who like to explore those small hidden coves.

3. Have a open mind

For some, this is a yearly adventure. They know what to expect, and where they’d like to go. Remember- wind and weather dictate our movements. Embrace everyday for what it brings! Sometimes plans change, ports change, destinations are different. We are here for the adventure of it. Be open to new spots and new experiences.


Hesper’s interior, and a new vision


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